Do you know the difference
between your ego and
your higher mind or self?
The ego is your roommate....
ays Michael Singer author of
The Untethered Soul.
The ego is the constant nagging,
chatter, and unnecessary
that is not serving your
best interest
or anyone else's
for that matter.
Living alone I get to hear my
roommate (ego) comment
all the time...UGH!
I am clear that my ego is
sabotaging any chance of fun,
joy, and freedom
in my mind and or experience
I'm ditching my ego...
Becoming the witness
is the first step out!!!
Not an easy battle but worth it!
It takes daily consciousness.
It's like taking a light and shining it
back onto the shadow.
We have that choice in each moment
The deal is we have to do it over
and over and over again.
Okay, it gets easier with practice.
There are so many benefits!!!
I can offer you tools in practice
To... shhhhh
(quiet your ego mind)
support higher states of consciousness.
Dance with me
I promise to support you in your personal growth through either a class,
workshop, or private.