Thursday, April 11, 2013

Authenticity and Your True Nature

Authenticity and Your True Nature

You are an A U T H E N T I C being! You have an authentic spontaneous expression, voice, creative side, and fluid openness that you were born with. It’s alive and waiting to spring open, to shout out, to explore, investigate, and create. IT’s ALIVENESS, or your Wholeness, and can be experienced more deeply when you learn to let go from deep within. Then we can Live and Let live.

Because of our conditioning, our families of origin, our society, the ongoing media slaughter, and our sensitivity to simply fit in..... we often respond, react, and move in our day to day lives from a more responsive or conditioned state.

When we open, become vulnerable, or allow for deeply held patterns to release, we are actually accessing our AUTHENTIC Self, or uniqueness.

Of course, this is somewhat of a paradox. What I mean by that is that as we let go deeply, we feel who we are from deep within, wein turncan fully embrace others. It is here that true intimacy takes place.

When you embrace yourself, you will naturally feel more connected to others.

Remember, it’s perfectly OK to let go, allow for openness and spaciousness and feel the
uncertaintyor vulnerability of what arises. Being vulnerable, not knowing, is more reality-based than what we might be conjuring in our mind from moment to moment.

Freedom from projection is the vulnerable openness that gives life luster!

Practice this meditation to access Sat Naam:
the ongoing stream of who you are,
the consciousness that is all pervasive.

Letting Go from deep within Meditation, based off the Self Realization Process with Judith Blackstone, deep gratitude to my teacher:

Sit upright, with both feet on the ground. Let your mind access the inside of the heels of both feetboth feet at the same time. Stay awhile, until you become aware of yourself inside the heels of both feet.

Now travel up into the inside of both ankles, your true nature rests here inside both ankles.

Make deep internal contact with yourself and stay awhile in each point as I guide you up and through the body.

From the ankles, go up inside both knees.....
Into the sockets of both hips
Inside the pelvic at the center, rest your busy mind here.

Up inside the chest, rest inside your heart chakra. Wait, let the breath rise and fall from inside the heart space.

Now access the point inside your head between both ears. Let the internal flow of all that is rise up from the heels, slowly until you move through all the previous points and right at the point inside both ears.

When you’re ready let the energy rise up and out through your crown.
STAY connected from the heels; don’t lose your beginning point as you also expand out your crown.

From deep within, also experience the all-pervasive space outside of yourself.
Feel yourself from deep within, and also experience the spaciousness outside yourself, in the room and beyond.

with practice, patience, and perseverance you are awakening~

Practice Creates Reality

Dear Friends and Students 

I'm sitting here looking out my big cottage window at the dark, grey sky writing this Spring Newsletter!  I can't believe the amount of rain, cold, and even icy mornings we have experienced this winter!

I can always feel  into the change of the season, usually in a way that brings a fresh outlook or renewed faith in life.  Spring, of course is that time naturally as the flowers bloom and the sun's rays come down a bit more,

How do you see, when you look out your window?

We sense, see, experience from different places from within.
Depending on where we live, *most of the time it's in the mind* we see from that place. Often it is a limitation of the ENTIRE or whole part of what is our actual or actualized self.

This is both a cultural and conditioned way of being in the world.  

However......I have found that through somatic practice such as Yoga, or receiving body work or using full body meditation, we can become whole again! We often separate ourselves, or
dis-embody which causes us to fragment and lose a deep sense of who we really are.

With practice, attention, awareness, and more expansive experiences that include embodying yourself you can
SEE THROUGH YOUR WINDOWS...YOUR EYES... From your entire body. Your truth.

I find that this brings a greater sense of joy and happiness, hope, and optimism, also understanding and compassion for others. I also find that it helps me see things for their fullness rather than their lack. This is especially helpful when going through a hard time, where the mind tends to dwell in darker pockets or focuses on a smaller picture, rather than remember it's true nature..Once we are full we can naturally see or say, "Oh, remember the beauty of Spring!"  It's like remembering to smell the flowers.  It's Spring! Things are blooming, life is flowing, and truly all is well.

Below I'm offering a VERY SHORT practice or tip for embracing your fullness, seeing and sensing from a wholistic space.

If you want to learn more you can also join me in one of my courses on Self Realization OR schedule a private so I can teach you how!     Anyone can learn.

Happy Spring! 
Embrace and Be Free!
Lisa Jansen
ERYT, Reiki Master, CranioSacral Therapist

Practice Creates Reality!
  • Sit or stand and imagine or feel that you are pouring your mind, like pouring a pitcher of water into your whole body. Your entire body is receiving  a full experience, while your mind is emptying out. So you fill up from your toes, through your feet, ankles, legs, pelvis, trunk, neck, arms, shoulders, hands, fingers.   Fill yourself up with a sense of energy, while emptying your mind!!!  
You may feel bigger,  you've grown spiritually!

    • See from your heart space instead of your eyes.
    • Feel from the ground up, from the feet first.
    • Let your eyes become one with your face and sense the world rather than see it.
    • Move through your day from deep within, rather than the external space that we usually move from.
    • Most important, Stay deeply connected to this full state and also experience your day, the world, from the OneNess or Wholeness of this space.
    • Move from place to place without leaving or disembodying yourself. Stay connected to the internal spaciousness from within.
    • Relate to others in a fluid connected space, rather than from me to you or you to me.
    • In the garden, on the beach, in nature feel yourself fully connected from deep within, notice the translucent states that arise as you experience that you are ONE!

The Big Shift

Dear Friends, Students & Community of like minded peoples! 

Well......How'd it go?  You know, the BIG SHIFT!

Ok, so I'm using words from Bob Banner, he created a Shift directory that is a comprehensive list of alternative healers here on the Central Coast. You can  check it our here 
The Shift Directory.

I'm thinking about the BIg Shift, that we all made in so many ways over the past month. It's fun, and funny, at the same time to realize the relativity of everything.

Today I'm seeing the shift in my personal space, taking the tree from inside to outside. I typically let it sit in my yard so I can enjoy it after the holiday season up to 3 months. I love the tree, not so much drying up inside the house, but totally adore it on my porch or in my yard where I can appreciate it for as long as possible! Shifting from gathering for the holidays, to detoxing in all ways, including letting go of the tree!

Another experience of the Shift can be quite large, like what went down spiritually  as we ended  the Mayan Calendar!  ( And now we're beginning a new one!) 

My point is that all is shifting, all the time, every moment, and sometimes the shifts seem magnificent and sometimes rather small. I feel like from a spiritual perspective it's great to actually appreciate, honor, and recognize the ongoing shifting that takes place always.  I've said this before, but even more than ever I am embracing it!

This coming year the shift for me is going to be to embrace more independence as a parent who has raised two children. Learn to let go by watching, allowing, and giving them permission to flow and spread their wings more on their own.

More Shifting will come by creating offerings through Prema Yoga. Offerings that are fully intended to support transformation of consciousness, spiritual development, and personal growth for all beings who wish to participate, or link in to the energy.

I intend in 2013 to continue Shifting my perspective day by day as needed to see the beauty, and embrace the constant flow of life itself as it arrives and unfolds.

How are you embracing the Shift?

How are you allowing and releasing on a daily basis?

How are you gifting yourself the gift of life, or the daily SHIFT...
not the S H --! so that life is valued and honored. 

Happy New Year and Blessings on this new leg that we have embarked on!  THE SHIFT
 into 2013..
Lisa Jansen
ERYT, Reiki Master, CranioSacral Therapist

Practice Creates Reality!
  • No matter where you are now on a scale of knowing who you are and how you do life, Higher Awareness can help. Here's what you can do to continue shifting into higher awareness.

    • Take control by more effectively managing your time and goals so you achieve the results you are hoping for
    • Release negative emotional reactions and old ineffective thinking
    • Stimulate your mind, creativity and intuition so you know how to trust yourself
    • Explore spirituality or the bigger picture of your life.
                     Shift in 5 minutes or less! 
  •  MEDITATE!! If I could name one thing that every single human being should be doing, this would be it. After eating, drinking water, and sleeping, this should be the next biggest priority in your life. Check out previous posts for how to meditate and what to expect, but basically, this is THE most effective way to cause a quantum leap in your energy vibration. When you stop thought, you stop negative thought, and Source energy can begin to flood through you. You'll FEEL it - deeper breathing, relaxed muscles (or the opposite with involuntary muscle movements, which just means you are releasing resistance), a flash of light, an intuitive hit or thought that occurs to you, or even just a feeling of peace. These are all signs that your meditation efforts are working. It takes a while to experience these things, so keep at it.

Visualize. Close your eyes, relax, and imagine the circumstances you are wishing to create. Don't do it with the forced intention of trying to make something happen, or trying to tell the Universe what you want - it already knows, so trust that what you want has already happened in a vibrational reality somewhere. The point of visualizing is for the pleasure of it. The act of being purely focused on something that makes you happy (without any ulterior motives) is an excellent way to raise vibration.

 Breathe. As cliche as it sounds, the old yogic saying is still true today: breath is life. All the cells of your body are crying out for oxygen all the time. Fortunately, your body handles this for you most of the time without your consciously thinking about it. But in times of increased stress, extra oxygen in your cells helps every single process in your body - metabolism, excretion, brain function, releasing of toxins, and so on. So focus on your breathing - take a deep breath, and then take in a little more oxygen. Don't exhale just yet - even if your lungs feel full, take in a little more. And then a little more. Then just exhale slowly. Enjoy it. Your breath is the most tactile, visceral way for you to feel the cyclical, rhythmic ebb and flow of Energy pulsing through you.

 Love. Thoughts of love (not necessarily the romantic kind, but rather love as in pure appreciation) vibrate higher than any other emotion. Period. You (in your non-physical form) are essentially unlimited love, joy, and abundance. Everything that everyone wants in their life is because they think it will give them a taste of these things - love, freedom, and joy.

 "Consciousness builds on consciousness have a choice!"