Thursday, April 11, 2013

Authenticity and Your True Nature

Authenticity and Your True Nature

You are an A U T H E N T I C being! You have an authentic spontaneous expression, voice, creative side, and fluid openness that you were born with. It’s alive and waiting to spring open, to shout out, to explore, investigate, and create. IT’s ALIVENESS, or your Wholeness, and can be experienced more deeply when you learn to let go from deep within. Then we can Live and Let live.

Because of our conditioning, our families of origin, our society, the ongoing media slaughter, and our sensitivity to simply fit in..... we often respond, react, and move in our day to day lives from a more responsive or conditioned state.

When we open, become vulnerable, or allow for deeply held patterns to release, we are actually accessing our AUTHENTIC Self, or uniqueness.

Of course, this is somewhat of a paradox. What I mean by that is that as we let go deeply, we feel who we are from deep within, wein turncan fully embrace others. It is here that true intimacy takes place.

When you embrace yourself, you will naturally feel more connected to others.

Remember, it’s perfectly OK to let go, allow for openness and spaciousness and feel the
uncertaintyor vulnerability of what arises. Being vulnerable, not knowing, is more reality-based than what we might be conjuring in our mind from moment to moment.

Freedom from projection is the vulnerable openness that gives life luster!

Practice this meditation to access Sat Naam:
the ongoing stream of who you are,
the consciousness that is all pervasive.

Letting Go from deep within Meditation, based off the Self Realization Process with Judith Blackstone, deep gratitude to my teacher:

Sit upright, with both feet on the ground. Let your mind access the inside of the heels of both feetboth feet at the same time. Stay awhile, until you become aware of yourself inside the heels of both feet.

Now travel up into the inside of both ankles, your true nature rests here inside both ankles.

Make deep internal contact with yourself and stay awhile in each point as I guide you up and through the body.

From the ankles, go up inside both knees.....
Into the sockets of both hips
Inside the pelvic at the center, rest your busy mind here.

Up inside the chest, rest inside your heart chakra. Wait, let the breath rise and fall from inside the heart space.

Now access the point inside your head between both ears. Let the internal flow of all that is rise up from the heels, slowly until you move through all the previous points and right at the point inside both ears.

When you’re ready let the energy rise up and out through your crown.
STAY connected from the heels; don’t lose your beginning point as you also expand out your crown.

From deep within, also experience the all-pervasive space outside of yourself.
Feel yourself from deep within, and also experience the spaciousness outside yourself, in the room and beyond.

with practice, patience, and perseverance you are awakening~

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